Friday, January 29, 2010

Moved to Tears Today

Several years ago my hairstylist talked me into trying a facial with Deidre who rented the upstairs loft at Sandy's Hair Design. It was my first ever spa experience and I was hooked. Turns out I knew Deidre. Dana and Deidre's daughter were buddies in the 2nd grade at Christian Center school. When Deidre opened her own spa (Selah Day Spa) I became a loyal customer. I don't often splurge on things for myself but this is one area that I will sacrifice other things in order to occasionally indulge in. Deidre is just one of those rare people that others are drawn to. God's Spirit is so evident in her. I always come away refreshed and renewed.

When Dana turned 13 I decided to treat her to a facial at Selah. It has become our birthday tradition. When Clark lost his job in September I reluctantly canceled the appointment I had scheduled. After Christmas I called and scheduled our traditional birthday facials. I set aside money for Dana's facial from Christmas money I received from family and figured that Clark would have a job by the end of February. Well, still no job. So I decided I had better call and cancel my birthday facial. When asked if they could reschedule I explained that Clark was still unemployed and I would have to wait until he found a job. Deidre was sitting at the desk when she heard the phone conversation and told her receptionist, Mary, that she wanted to comp my facial and for me to come on in on my birthday. I tried to hold back the tears but I failed miserably. Mary said that her and Deidre would lift me in prayer after she hung up. They have no idea how much they encouraged me today. God does.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Tuesday Morning Support

I have been meeting with a group of friends (Barb, Jane, Chris, and Laurie) for the past couple of months at the new Martins for the study Experiencing God. I did that study with another group of women a long time ago and so I dug out the workbook and reused it. I am so glad I did. It was interesting to see the things God was speaking to me way back then and to see the growth. God spoke some very specific things to me in this season of my life and at this place where I now find myself and I am reminded of the truth that God's Word is living and breathing!

Monday, January 18, 2010


This afternoon we met Jane and the kids at Wonderland in Niles to see Sherlock Holmes. So much cheaper than the local theatres! For $17 and some change we got 3 tickets, 1 large popcorn, 1 large Diet Coke and a nacho. Clark was amazed. It's worth the drive. On our way home we noticed all of the ice sculptures displayed throughout the downtown and around the park. Took pictures of a few but it was starting to get dark outside and I only had my little camera that I carry in my purse. Awesome pieces of art!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Date Night

Clark and I haven't gone out alone on a date in forever. Dana and our neighbor, Martael, were going to the MidWinter Dance and so we dropped them off at 9 and then we went and saw The Young Victoria (interesting film). We haven't gone to a late movie since we were young and childless. We had an hour to kill after the movie let out. We had no clue where to go at that time of night so we drove around and saw IHOP, and it was hopping. Amazed at how many people were there at that hour and still coming in as we were leaving. The cashier's comment, "The drunks got to eat too." It was a fun night for all.

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Long Weekend Ahead!

The end of a year and the beginning of a new one is always a hectic time for me at work and at home. Since I do all of the accounting work for the Does God Exist? Ministry at home, my hallway office is always overflowing at this time of the year. I've learned years ago that for people like me (obsessive compulsive), stress comes from unfinished work. Once I get everything organized and done I am able to relax. So.....I am going to work all weekend to get everything done and organized so that Monday all will be well in my world!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Baptism at the JJC

Tonight I experienced God's presence in a most unusual setting and in such a profound way. My friends and I have been sharing Christ once a month for the past 10 years with young women locked up at the Juvenile Justice Center.

When we were there in December, Carrie had the four girls we met with write on pieces of paper their prayer requests and then each of us drew a paper out and prayed for that girl for the following 30 days. Carrie prayed for one particular girl, Dominique, for her salvation among other things.

This past Saturday when we arrived, Dominique was still there. After I shared a message on deception and truth, Carrie got into an open conversation with her. Probing and asking questions as only Carrie can do in a very winsome way. Dominique shared her desire for baptism and Carrie promised her that she would do all she could to make sure that happened for her.

Carrie enlisted some praying warriors and then relentlessly pursued every avenue. At one point her calls were not being returned and she went down there in person to talk to whoever she had to talk to so that Dominique's wishes for baptism would be honored.

So tonight, at 6:00 Carrie, Jane, and I showed up at the JJC with an armful of towels and some huge buckets. They would not allow us to immerse Dominique so we improvised. I've never felt God's presence more keenly than while kneeling before Him next to Jane, Carrie and Dominique on a bathroom floor at the JJC praying. As Carrie and Jane flooded her with water from head to toe, I kept the water from flowing into the adjacent room with towels. The most meaningful and intimate baptism I have witnessed in a long time. Wish I could have a picture to post but they are not allowed at the JJC.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dinner with Friends

Last night we met with the Fishbaughs, Biggers, Bertsch's, Moody's, and Davis' at Granite City for our annual dinner get together. We began our spiritual journey with these couples years ago and even though we are now scattered to different churches there remains a strong bond that will never be broken.

I love when you can pick up where you left off and you've had enough history together that there are no awkward, silent moments, quite the contrary. I look forward to these times together in spite of the long pauses between them.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What a Dad

Today was Clark's first time taking a kiddo to the doctor's office. Seriously, 22 years of being a father and never having the opportunity until today. Diagnosis: bad sinus infection. Treatment: Antibiotics that won't be available until tomorrow. In the meantime Dana and Clark discovered that they could watch the episode of NCIS that they missed this week. Which is great for them since we just have basic cable and no means to record shows.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hawkeyes Win the Orange Bowl 24-14

If you are born and raised in Iowa you will always be a Hawkeye no matter where you move to or for how long. The Hawkeyes beat Georgia Tech in the Orange Bowl 24-14! Proud to be a Hawkeye tonight!

I Love Being a Mom!

Today God affirmed that being home for my kid when she comes home from school is worth the personal sacrifice. What a joy it is to give a hug when they've had a rough day and to make them a cinnamon and sugar bagel and send them off for an hour long nap. I love being a mom and have never regretted working my life around those two precious ones that God entrusted me with. Is He not good?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Masterpiece on Sunday night

Clark popped the popcorn and I got the blankets and for 2 hours tonight we were in Cranford. I am a huge fan of period movies. Clark started watching them with me years ago when I saw Pride and Prejudice for the first time. One rainy night we watched the whole series into the wee hours of the morning. We've been hooked ever since.

Masterpiece Theatre 2010 is underway on PBS Sunday evenings don't try to call the Glover house after 9:00 unless it is an absolute emergency!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Year!

New Year's is my favorite holiday. There is something about starting anew that appeals to me. I've always loved beginning a new year by reflecting on where I am at spiritually, mentally, relationally, and physically and then writing down my hopes and goals for the year ahead. The older I get the more I realize that the list I write down at the beginning of the year will go through some adjustments ...things being dropped, and other things added. I only really have 2 things on my list this year and they involve concentrating on the two most important relationships in my life......God and my husband. So here's to the New Year and what it will bring!