Saturday, May 8, 2010

It's Been a Long 8 months

I've had a lot of questions for God lately, questions that have gone unanswered. The same questions that I have asked at other times in my life. I have journeyed with God long enough to know that sometimes He lets you in on what is going on and other times He doesn't. He chooses to let some things remain a mystery, why I do not know, He just does.

Maybe God is asking me some questions. Like Linda, do you trust Me? Are you going to continue to believe in My goodness and sovereignty in the midst of your troubles? Do you believe that I have a specific plan for your life? Do you believe that I am the Source of all things and I will provide what you need? Do you know that I love you, really love you? My honest answer would be "Lord, I believe, help my unbelief."

Clark lost his job 8 months ago this week and this week was his final unemployment check (although he has filed for an extension). Clark is the most honest, loyal, dependable, hardworking man I have ever met. He is the kind of employee that always goes above and beyond what is expected, remains loyal even at great personal cost, and shows up ready to work. It is very hard for me to see him week after week looking and longing for a job and coming up empty handed. He hides his discouragement and tries to put on a good face but I know that inside there is a great struggle going on. How is it that someone of his caliber and work ethic remains jobless? How many more Clarks are out there waiting, longing for someone to see their potential and give them an opportunity? I can only imagine!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Going to the Kentucky Derby this Weekend

I am going to the Kentucky Derby this weekend. Not as a spectator, but as a volunteer. GO Ministries (Dominican Republic and Haiti missionary effort) gets paid a large amount of $ if they provide volunteers to work the concessions. Dana went on a mission trip a few summers ago with the Fishbaugh family to the Dominican and that is how we got connected with GO. It should be an interesting weekend.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A New Chapter in my Life

A few months ago I stepped out in faith and agreed to serve as the Kids Ministry Pastor at Riverside Church. I had a lot of hesitation, anxiety, and insecurity about taking on that responsibility but God made it very clear every time I questioned Him, that it was what He wanted me to do and where He wanted me to be. How can you say no to God? So I put all of that aside and said yes. Little did I know that I would find myself feeling alive again like I haven't felt in a very long time. God knows what He is doing, even if I don't! I can't wait to see what God has in store for me in this ministry.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


I have been so unbelievably busy since I agreed to take on leading the Children's Ministry at church. Sometimes I have moments of panic thinking, what have I gotten myself into? I also have moments of pure joy because I am doing what I love. I am hoping those moments out number the panic ones! We are publicly launching in two weeks. I have no idea what to expect. I am praying that I get everything ready before that date comes. So until then I won't be on Facebook or blogging. Say a little prayer for me!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Memory

Yesterday I was rummaging through Clark's closet trying to find my overnight bag because I was going to be staying with Jane's kids while they went out of town for the weekend. I came across this and it brought a smile to my face. The first time I ever laid eyes on Clark Glover he was carrying this backgammon set. He would carry this thing around wherever he went, always ready to play the game with someone. I remember thinking it was weird, who carries a backgammon set around? Apparently Clark. A few months after that initial meeting (I didn't even remember his name) we went out on our first date. Later he taught me how to play backgammon. That was back in the early 1980's. I have forgotten how to play the game. I will have to reacquaint myself with it and see if he can still beat me.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Mrs. Clark Glover again!

We went to a Marriage Conference at the Vineyard church over the weekend. It was a telecast conference, so even though the speaker, Jim Evans, was not on the stage in front of us he was coming to us live from the Gateway church in Dallas. I couldn't think of a better way to spend the Valentine's weekend! We went with Mike & Amanda Love and our dearest friends, Brian & Carrie Biggers. We had so much fun. I have to say that the content of this seminar was the best I've heard over the years, Clark is in total agreement. I couldn't take notes fast enough and wish I had taken more. At the end of the conference they guided us through a covenant ceremony in which we all renewed our covenant vows with our spouse. I am proud to say that after 26 years, I am still Mrs. Clark Glover, and yes, he kissed the bride!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Meaningful Quote I Heard Today

I haven't listened to David Platt from Brook Hills in close to a month so today I listened to his message from January 17th about Believing God. One of the people he mentioned in his sermon was a man named William Kerry who in 1793 moved from England to India to be used by God. Twenty years after he got there a fire broke out at his home while he was in Calcutta. Upon hearing of the fire and the loss of much of his life's work he said, "The Lord has laid me low that I may look more simply to Him. That I might believe God, that God is our reward."

When things get stripped away from you, life gets very real. You begin to view things through much different lenses...lenses of vulnerability, uncertainty, and humility. You begin to see more clearly.....that income you counted on....that job that felt so secure....was merely an illusion.

I am reminding myself that faith, if it is not tested, is no faith at all. It's easy to say you are walking by faith when that path is smooth with only a few minor irritations. But walking by faith is when you continue to move forward when that path becomes uneven, bumpy and treacherous knowing that you do not walk alone and that He has prepared the way. So I will continue to trust and not doubt for God is sovereign over all.

So I have my pen and journal ready to record all of the awesome, mighty acts of God that I will be a witness to!